You must choose the right drapery rod for your windows in Reno or Lake Tahoe if you have wide windows. Decorative drapery rods are very popular, but you need to know some technical stuff to choose the right type. Most people use rings or grommets these days to traverse their draperies. This means that in most cases, you can only have the side brackets plus one center bracket. So, if your span is very wide, you run the risk of the rod sagging. I’m attaching a chart from one manufacturer, Helser Brothers. This chart shows how different type rods hold up to wide spans without support. You will notice that hollow rods are better than solid rods, due to weight. You will also notice how round rods are stronger than square rods and larger diameter rods than smaller ones. You are not required to know this data, but I AM. This is why you need to consult a professional when doing your custom drapery rods.

Bracket to Bracket Chart