The Old Parts Need to be Replaced
Hunter Douglas has been updating their technology for years, but they still support the products that they manufactured years ago. They currently, as of January 2024 are making the PowerView Gen 3, but before that they had Gen 2 and obviously Gen 1. And before that they had various versions of the PowerRise motor system. They’ve been very solid and durable, but one major issue has arisen, but it wasn’t their fault.
The batteries which were purchased by the homeowners were corroding and this caused damage to the battery packs. In the video that is part of this information, the batteries that I removed from the shades were actually still in the old battery wands, but they were completely ruined. Any the ruined batteries destroyed the battery pack as well. Due to the age, Hunter Douglas doesn’t make replacement battery wands that are identical to the old ones. They have updated the products to make it easily fixable. Please watch the video to see the process, if you are needing to replace your power source.
What Will You Need?
I hope that you watched the video so you saw all the products and how they work. Here is a little breakdown of what you saw.

Old Version on Top, New Version on Bottom
Battery Wand
Here you see the difference between the new battery pack and the old one. Both take 8 12V AA batteries. But the layout is very different. The old version mounted inside the headrail, but the new version is designed to be installed outside the shade headrail. You have a lot of options as to where you put it, and that is totally up to you. But at least you can see the difference between the old and new version.

Power Cable
Battery Cable
Next, we are connecting the battery wand with the motor. Since the battery is designed to be mounted outside the headrail, it needs a cable to connect the battery with the motor. As I mentioned in the video, you need to remove the existing cable that connects the old battery wand to the motor and replace it with this one. You will be able to see it by looking for a two wire cable that inserts into the section that is listed as PWR. Watching the video will be very helpful to learn how to do it.

Satellite Battery Mount
Satellite Mount
This image is of the holder for the battery wand or battery pack. It is called the Satellite Mount. With this product, you are able to place your battery wherever you wish to. It can be mounted behind the headrail or placed at the bottom of the window, the side of the window, on the wall near the window, or whatever else you decide to do. One of the things that you need to determine is how long of a cord you’d like to have to get the battery wand to the location that you determine is best.

10 Foot Cable is one Option
The cord lengths are 15”, 4’, 10, 20’. Keep in mind that you can use multiple cords. For example, you can get it to fit for 5 1/2’ by clipping together the 4’ and the 15”. It will come to 63” which is 3” short, but remember that the cable that comes out of the headrail has about 6” of adaptability to it. If I remember correctly, Hunter Douglas says that its cables can function perfectly up to 50’. But keep this in mind: These products are NOT authorized to go into the wall. That is a different type of cable. You are obligated to keep these on the surfaces, not through the wall in any manner.
Yes, You Can Buy These Through Us…
or any dealer that knows what they are doing. If you found this to be helpful, please remember that this level of assistance is what makes Kempler Design Window Fashions unique. We really work to make sure that our clients are well cared for. I hope that this blog and the attached video and photos will be helpful to you in fixing your power source on you Hunter Douglas PowerRise motorized shades.
About Us
Kempler Design is located in Reno NV and serves the northern Nevada and Lake Tahoe regions with a mobile design showroom. Paul Kempler, its founder is considered a window fashions expert. Kempler Design has been featured in many prestigious projects, including the HGTV dream home in Lake Tahoe. Kempler Design works with homeowners as well as interior design firms looking for a local contact in the Reno/Tahoe area or is available for travel.